Gira S1

Remote access. For authorised users only.

Smart Home technology makes your day-to-day life easier and enables you to control all of the systems in your home remotely. Gira S1 provides a secure encrypted connection for remote access. With this device, used in conjunction with the Gira X1 or Gira HomeServer, you can connect to your home wherever you are in the world – to switch lights on and off, close the blinds, or control the heating. The device provides encrypted remote access to your Smart Home via the Gira Smart Home app, which fully complies with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): the server is located in Germany.

Product features

This product can be networked with other products.

This product is suitable for retrofitting.

With the Gira S1, you decide who gets access.

In addition to providing secure remote access to your home, the Gira S1 can also be used for remote maintenance performed on your Smart Home by a professional electrician. You remain fully in control of who gets access and when.

Simply start the Gira Smart Home app or the Gira HomeServer app and the Gira S1 will work with the Gira device portal to take care of the rest. The remote access symbol in the status bar on your mobile phone will tell you that the connection is secure. You decide whether your Smart Home can be accessed. Using the app or a pushbutton sensor, you can specifically approve each instance of remote maintenance to be performed by the electrical engineer.

Trouble-free connection to external services.

With the Gira S1, you can integrate external services into your Smart Home without any hassle. This makes it easy to link your smart home with services such as Amazon Alexa and the Google Assistant.

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Secure remote access guaranteed.

Secure remote access, secure communication, secure data: Gira S1 makes all this possible. This is why Gira S1 was awarded the “Smart Home – Information Security Tested” certification by the VDE Institute. The Institute tests and confirms that security measures to prevent the remote interception and manipulation of communications have been implemented effectively.

A red Gira S1 smart home gateway device with VDE information security certification label.
Tested and awarded the VDE safety certificate: the Gira S1.

Gira S1 with OpenVPN.

There is an additional secure connection route for Gira S1 modules via OpenVPN. This gives you and your specialist partner even more options for safe and remote access. If you own a photovoltaic system, you can easily monitor the current status from afar. You will also be able to either activate or block the VPN access for your specialist partner anytime. Your partner can then check and adjust KNX installations and other systems (e.g. telephones, cameras, or networks).

Thanks to push notifications via the Gira Smart Home app, your smartphone will alert you if an alarm goes off in your house.